Saturday, February 25, 2012

Winnie the Pooh and friends Cupcakes

One day my friend Tatum sent me message in my facebook inbox, asked about whether I can make winnie the pooh cupcake. I thought for her. Unfortunately for her friend Neva. So this is it Letta birthday cupcakes. Thanks Neva for your order. Am waiting for other order :)

Angry Bird Cupcakes

This Angry Bird cupcakes ordered by Marcella Pattymahu friend for Joshua. Thanks Lala for your help.

Almond Mocca Cupcakes

Another cupcakes came out from our kitchen. This kind of cupcakes is so nice for tea time. So just order... :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Cupcake

My friend Cathy who is working at PT Protelindo, asked me to make cupcake for her office friends. So she ordered 30 pcs. She requested every cupcake state word "Love U" means she love all her staff/team. Thanks Cath for your order.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine Red Velvet Cupcake

Interested to make Red Velvet cupcake since I found the recipe on Joy of Baking website. Finally we made together with my friend Linda and Wanti. So much fun when we get together and try another recipe. Delicious red velvet cupcake. Do not hesitate to order.... :)

Lotso Bear Cake

I never heard about Lotso Bear when my university friend Sylvi Pratasik or Sylvi Bule :) requested me to make that theme of birthday cake for her pretty daughter Gaby. She asked me to browse in Google. Uuppss I found some sample of Lotso Bear picture. Sylvi asked me to make 40 x 60 cm size bcoz for around 30 person guest. This is my first big size birthday cake :)

Billiard Cake

Mba Dina second order is for her hubby. Mba Dina choose this theme bcoz her hubby like Billiard. Thanks Mba Dina.

Basketball Cupcake

Another Cupcake theme for Febe's birthday. My 2nd basketball cupcake as well. Thanks Lolly for your order.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Music Cupcakes

Music Cupcakes ordered by my Senior High School friend Lolly, for her lovely daughter Febe. Thanks Lolly. Am waiting for other order :)